临沂宏福木业有限公司 田园居板材 专注板材20年 **生产4-40mm 规格:1220*2440 厚度:4~30厘 胶合板:E0/E1/E2/MR **胶 胶合板:奥古曼、杨木,冰糖果、漂白杨木,克隆木,*伦桃,桦木,杉木松木橡木指节贴面板等。 芯板:杨木,杂木,柳桉,克隆木等。 联系方式:Q 联系人:上官 msn:tianyuanju04@ 公司网 (1)环保家具板装饰板 特点:绿色 环保 纯平 表面光滑,纹理美观,优异的隔热,隔音效果,涂饰油漆性能好 (2)**厨卫生活板 特点:** 防潮 环保 可*暴露在自然环境下 (3)全克隆**仿红木胶合板 特点:印度市场* 中国生产 销售全克隆 “隐形冠军”公司 (4)激光工艺刀模板 特点:**,易切割,密度好 (5)品优**包装托盘板 特点:强度好,易固定,出口免熏蒸材料,可锯切,刨切,凿眼,开槽,订订... 1完整的生产流程,原木进口,原木旋切,单板加工,制胶,贴面,加工成成品。所有工序独立完成,**了单板配套,胶水稳定,使得板材平整环保。胶合板二次成型,三次成型,双头砂光机定制砂光。 2有E0,E1,E2等各种环保胶合板。 3产品系列:生产各种花色多层板奥古曼【桃花芯】,漂白杨木面,克隆面,冰糖果,等),定做激光模板,“田园居板材”胶合板系中国**商标,欢迎广大客商来公司参观洽谈。 4企业荣誉:山东**山东**商标,CARB,德国营房部家具材料中国*生产单位。 5规格齐全,材料齐全,是出口内销胶合板的信誉单位。 如果有特殊规格胶合板也可根据客户要求定做! 胶合板!胶合强度好,表面平整,无空隙,边整齐,无离芯无重叠无泡,色光好。 我们会用较**的服务,较高的品质,较优惠的价格,较快捷的生产效率,为您做出合适您的板材 Linyi Hongfu Wood Limited ( rural home plate) Specification: 1220 * 2440 thickness: 4 ~ 30. Plywood : E0 / E1 / E2 / MR melamine waterproof glue Plywood: Okoume, bleaching, Keruing, Dillenia indica, birch, pine oak knuckle veneer. Core board :poplar, Holt, Liu An, cloning of wood. Multilayer board furniture plate laser knife template packaging board waterproof plywood door board sofa plate wood science and technology Contact: Shangguan Phone: 0539-8621580 Website: Q E-mail:tianyuanju04@ 1 complete production process, imports of logs, wood veneer, veneer processing, glue, veneer, processed into finished products. All processes independently, ensure the single board, glue and stability, make sheet formation and environmental protection. Plywood two forming, three molding, custom double sander sanding. 2 E0, E1, E2 and other environmentally friendly plywood. 3 series of products : the production of a variety of color plate Okoume [ ] Yang Mu peach, bleaching, cloning, ice candy, etc.), custom laser template," rural home plate plywood is a well-known trademark in China, welcome customers to visit the company negotiate. 4 Honor : Shandong famous Shandong well-known trademarks, CARB, the German barracks ministry of furniture materials in China designated production units. 5 specifications, materials complete, is the domestic exports of plywood reputation units. If there are special specifications plywood can also be customized according to customer requirements! Plywood! Good bonding strength, smooth surface, no gaps, edge is orderly, not from the core without overlapping no foam, good light. We will use the best quality service, the highest quality, the most preferential prices, the most efficient production efficiency, as you make the right of your plate Contact: Shangguan Phone: 86-539-8621580 Website: Q E-mail:tianyuanju04@